"I need to find out who I am." Why is everyone on a quest to find themselves? Or better yet, why do we feel that we don't yet know who we are? I have long thought about this, never quite understanding. I still don't understand. Perhaps the reason that I am writing this is to figure out what that question means. Maybe I'm even writing this article to discover who I am. All I know is that it is currently 12:55 in the morning, and this was the first thing that popped into my head.
Actually, the inspiration behind this article was my sister. I was sitting in her room looking through a notebook of hers (I know, I'm not supposed to do that) and she had a list of things to accomplish when she went to college. The last thing on her list was "Find out who I am." I started thing about it, because I wasnt sure how she was going to go about that. She isnt the only one trying to answer that question.
So many people are on never-ending missions to find themselves. People choose to go about this in thousands of different ways, unique to the individual. Some choose to go somewhere far away so they can think and spend time alone. Others turn to religion, hoping to find some answers in their faith. They claim it works; yet how do we know? Is finding yourself actually finding happiness and peace? Or, is it something more? How do you know when youve found out who you are? Does something just click inside of you to let you know, "hey- you just figured out who you are!" Are you getting tired of these constant questions?
Writing this article has made me stop and thing about my own life. I'm not sure if I know who I am. But there is one question that confuses me the most. How do you define who you are? Well, it's by the people you associate yourself with. No, its your personal attributes. Maybe it's by your actions. It appears that this article might be more confusing than helpful. Let's just call it a thought-provoking article.
So after all my thinking at 1:30 in the morning, which is either the best time to think or the worst, I think I have finally come up with a conclusion.
I am I.
Can you ask for a better decision? Everyone's ending will be different for this story. That is the amazing thing about us. We are all unique and have unique opinions. This is my conclusion, what is yours?
I define myself by my actions. What would I do if I saw something that I knew was wrong happening? Would I be brave and stand up for my opinion? My actions would be who I am. Would I act differently in order to fit in to a different crowd? That would be who I am. Your decisions arent wrong, they are just who you are. Follow your heart, and find yourself on the way.